Choosing the Best Electronic Drum Set on ANY Budget
Choosing the Best Electronic Drum Set on ANY Budget
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Check out Nick’s demo of the Roland TD-27KV Electronic Drum Kit 👉
Sweetwater’s Nick D’Virgilio runs down the perks of some of the best electronic drum sets for every budget — from the introductory Roland V-Drums TD-1K to the mid-level Alesis Command Mesh and Yamaha DTX6K2-X all the way to the almighty Roland V-Drums TD-50KV2.
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0:00 – Intro
1:15 – Roland TD-1K
3:34 – Alesis Command Mesh
6:13 – Yamaha DTX6K2
11:27 – Roland TD-50
15:36 – Pearl e/MERGE
15:44 – Pearl Mimic Pro
16:26 – Roland TD-27
17:04 – Roland VAD506
18:11 – Thanks for Watching!
#Sweetwater #Roland #Alesis #Yamaha
Nick can you put a video out showing best practice using an e-Kit with a mixer live? I have the Roland 507 kit, Mackie powered speakers -212, just doesn’t sound very good. I was told to pickup a small board and add more compression and delay?
I haven’t yet:(
Yeah we know that a edrumset is quiet ^^ No offense!
Like strumming electric guitar – unplugged. Dropped ball on that aspect.
Someone give this poor man a chair
For electric drums, do they need to be plugged into an amp? Like a guitar or bass they gotta be hooked to an amp, is that the same case?
Very informative video but why set all of these up and NOT plug them in and play? I want to hear the dang drums.
Anyone track with an electric kit? Looking for the most sensitive kit that translates very well when tracking via MIDI.
I just want to get into drumming without annoying my family. Do I need a computer to use electronic drums
if you’re reading this, just a reminder, you also have a nice brain
"this price" "just a little more in price" "great option for this price point". Never mentions a single price.
You have a video about drums for every budget yet not once did you mention a price….
This is why taking away the dislike button is necessary, i would have loved to know this video lacks examples of the kits sounds.
You would think that they would include what the price ranges are and what they sound like…
pretty worthless videos
What about the seasoned player who just wants super cheap drums??? 😂 Do they have to be "beginner" kits?
I love how all these kits try to get "as close" to a acoustic kit, while being an electronic. Clearly shows how much better acoustic or. (I understand people who can not buy them cause of the price/sound etc. but you also cant deny that they’re better)
What do they sound like?
No examples of sound quality or prices for any of them. Come on man. Thats basic stuff…
So beautiful. One of my dream that I couldn’t afford. Here in Philippines its not easy to afford because it’s so expensive..
Any brains that have more than 16 inputs? Or is there a way to daisy chain brains/midi interfaces for extra large kits?
Which of these sets might offer the best sounds for Jazz? thanks…
if you don’t understand what these kits cost that’s your problem and you’re probably too dumb to drum
really good buying advice there. plain and simple. From low priced kit-high end kit. really informative.
A review without sound?? Ohh yeah you buy a drum because of how it look. Terrible review !!
You’d think a video claiming to help people choose an electronic kit on ANY budget, that it would actually cover ANY budget but it doesn’t. Can’t afford a 700-800 dollar kit on 700 dollars a fortnight.
I think if you’re going to outline kits for different budgets, it would be very helpful to mention those actual budgets
You guys at Sweetwater are the best in the industry. There’s no contest. Real Musicians selling to other real musicians. It doesn’t get less corporate than that. When I deal with your reps I feel like a human being rather than a customer. It’s great
my budget: 12 dollars minus student loans, 3 buttons and 6 cents
These drumsets are (imo) NOT worth the prices they sell for… The Roland TD-1K is worth at least $200 at MOST… If that even.
You would think a video about budget would include prices. Like wtf?
"Rubber pads are not a downgrade" it is 100% a downgrade. No self-respecting professional drummer would EVER settle for rubber pads
You need to present the sound of a few drum kits on each unit.
Wow thanks for actually playing them so I could hear how realistic they are. Really appreciate that.
A drum video with no drum sounds. #Lazy
My biggest concern is playing response. I got a cheap kit (Donner) and it only picks up about 60% of anything I play. 16th notes are out of the question.
how the hell can you review instruments without even recording how they sound
Errrr…. No sound from the kits and no indication of price bands!! 🤷 This review is useless!🙄
you would think they would including and pricing
Hey Sweetwater. I like your drums, but the problem is its too expensive can you decrease the price?
Pretty daunting for a new drummer, I must say. Lots to learn.
could you make a video on all the ways to customize the sounds of the td-27kv. I am sure alot people would be interested
Hello beloveds always remember we must repent of our sins (sin is transgression The Law Of Yahuah The Father in Heaven. The Law are The Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy). We must repent of our sins and Have Belief On Yahusha The Messiah. HE Died and Rose three days later so that we can be forgiven of our sins!
Come to HIM Today. Much love!
This is useless without sound demos
A thumbs down for no drum sounds
Prices please!
Great video!……..😎👍 So in reality,…. “ the sky’s the limit”!! At a persons creativity in customizing his or her own kit……….. which is pretty sweet I must say. 👀😎👍👏✌️🇨🇦
Jeez. A drumkit for any budget. Doesn’t play the kit, doesn’t mention the budget.
Nick is a fucking AWESOME drummer. It’s so mad seeing him doing sales stuff, I wonder how many people know his work with Spock’s Beard!!
This is a freaking clickbait. I thought I’d be seeing him destroying the drums 😂😂😂