The 10 Best Small Electronics to Sell on EBay

The 10 Best Small Electronics to Sell on EBay

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In this video, we’re going to share the ten best small electronics to sell on eBay. These items are perfect for people who are looking to make a little extra money on the side!

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned eBay seller, these ten items are a great way to get started. We’ll share tips on how to pick the right products, how to market them properly, and how to make sure you’re getting the most out of your eBay purchases!


  1. Hey, Thanks for all of the valuable content! Can you tell us about how do you deal with preparing, and testing items? Especially electronics? Do you have a scheduled time for that? For me, that is one of the most time consuming tasks, and also uncertain how long it takes. Especially if there is a tiny issue to deal with. (Sorry if my English isn’t correct. I do eBay from Hungary East Europe.)

  2. @filppingfromthetralier January 1, 2025 at 12:04 pm

    Is this live

  3. If you don’t mind making a large electronic top 10. That would be good.
    I just purchased around six large electronics to hopefully make money on. From Denon to Bose.

  4. @filppingfromthetralier January 1, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    Just sold a sony last night .. like 3 mins after i listed it

  5. Who was your shout out in San Jose? I would like to look them up! I am from there, too. I’m guessing you’re in California as well?

  6. @paula...sister1of12 January 1, 2025 at 12:12 pm

    Thanks for sharing you always give great tips.

  7. Can you please tell us where you get the perfectly sized small bags you use for the remotes and glasses?

  8. The thing I love most about your videos, other than the invaluable information, is that they’re simple. No intro, no outro, no music, no yelling, just plain and simple facts. I love it!

  9. Haha I was thinking I’m gonna ask you what’s your favorite thing to sell and then you said it.

  10. Been doing research and buying remotes. Thanks for the tip.

  11. I find a lot of music players and other electronics, BUT BUT BUT they are missing the ac/dc or usb chargers. I just walk pass them because I can’t test them.

  12. @catfunksfabulousfinds January 1, 2025 at 12:20 pm

    How do you know if a remote works?

  13. Hello, I am new reseller on eBay and I watch your videos to help me with the anxiety of eBay selling. I have a question and I hope you can answer, How do I test a modem for working conditions and hours it has before I list it?

  14. When you say you make tens of thousands of dollars just on small cameras, that means you make at least $20,000 a month just on small cameras. Really? I’m going to start looking for them at the thrift.

  15. Hello 🤗 What do you think about Nerf blasters resale? There are tons fbmarket lots. I got a bunch of them today for $40

  16. awesome video!

  17. @MastersManiacMexico January 1, 2025 at 12:25 pm

    first, saludos desde Tepotztlan

  18. @barrymccockinner4156 January 1, 2025 at 12:25 pm

    Great vid

  19. this is so awesome.. everytime I watch your videos I literally make a sale that day! (Im a beginner), you are a Good omen! Thank you so much for all you do

  20. @showandsellpicker January 1, 2025 at 12:28 pm

    This was a nice informative video. I was aware of some, but not all…had no idea about the power tool batteries!

  21. I got a few remotes for medical beds that have to be plugged in to be tested. Do you have suggestions to test or should I market them as “untested” and offer free returns if they dont work?

  22. @shannongreenlaw88 January 1, 2025 at 12:31 pm

    what of these items can you sell if they DON’T work? (or if you’re not sure if they work)

  23. The shavers sell for 80-100 brand new so 20-30 used and you can clean is a good deal for a savy buyer.

  24. Love your channel! I’ve learned so much 😊

  25. Thanks for the info

  26. @filppingfromthetralier January 1, 2025 at 12:40 pm

    Hi all how ya doing

  27. WARNING – Test ALL these old electronic things before you list it. If you can’t test it – disclose that in the listing.
    Beware of buying old cassette Walkmans & tape players. 85% of them no longer function. (degraded belts)(Also VCRs)
    Also – wipe the cameras before you sell them. You never know what is on them (dirty pics)
    I’ve backed off a lot of old electronics because so many of them don’t work correctly. Test B4 you buy!

  28. How do you test POS scanners?

  29. @brianhilliard6616 January 1, 2025 at 12:46 pm

    I sell all the stuff you went over. Picked up a vintage hp calculator last year for $2 at small thrift. Sold for $250! I think they must’ve just thought it was a regular old cheap calculator. I knew right away when I saw it.

    Love your channel! You always drop good tips or something i haven’t thought of. Thanks!

  30. Hey man could you please fix your audio it’s super low. 😢

  31. I agree about the electric razors being gross.. but if you go to the barbershop… I guess at the barbershop they sanitize them.. and you hope nobody has shaved there boys with them. but you never really know..

  32. ill watch this video again thanks

  33. Jake, when you find an old digital camera, do you have any way of testing them or do you sell them as is? I see them all the time but the battery or charger is never along with it, thank you again for your continued inspiration.

  34. How do I know if a drill battery holds charge.. I no way of testing,

  35. @johnhenderson7081 January 1, 2025 at 12:54 pm

    Sold 6 camera last week. Four were sold "AS IS" and one worked. Made good money on all of them.

  36. Kirby? good to buy and take apart? tnx

  37. I had bought a storage unit and there was a box of literal junk that I was sifting through and at the bottom there were four oscillating fan remotes that I was about to throw away and then I decided to look them up and they’re worth over $20 each lol. Score!

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